Mother’s Day to Other’s Day

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What is Mother’s Day? For many it is a time of reflection on being a mom. We sit back and look at our kids with joy and disbelief that we get to be the mother to such great people, or look and remember how small they used to be with tear of joy in our eyes. 

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Many are getting pampered because they know that with the joys of motherhood there must come hardships as well. The fear, the worry, disappointment. Oh my goodness the WORRY is the worst for me. Am I doing this right? Do they understand that I am telling them “no” out of love? 

What does the perfect Mother’s Day look like? Well I guess we would all have different answers. For me, it would be to spend the morning with my kids and listening to their laughs and screaming (because isn’t there always screaming 😂). My goal is to not yell at anyone (yeah that part would be great 😏). I don’t want to cook breakfast, lunch or dinner. For once, I’d love for someone else to handle this. I will not clean or work all day. I want to be able to lay on the couch, maybe take a nap ( wouldn’t it be great if I could fall asleep as fast as my husband does).  I want to binge watch an entire season of a show on “my list” (you know the list on your Netflix that you keep adding to, but never find the time to actually watch anything). Then I want to take a long shower and then snuggle up with my kids who were already bathed and watch a movie and eat snack foods, then maybe some board games before they go to bed. This would be a great Mother’s Day. I’d end the day watching a ROM-COM, and going to bed. 

I’d also like to have some time to myself. I honestly can’t remember the last time I had the house to myself. This kind of makes me sad (here is my moment of truth). Now for the people who are going to try to twist my words this is for you: I love my kids with every fiber of my being, but I still need to take care of me sometimes. Deal with it. 

So this is my version of Mother’s Day. I’d love to know yours in the comments. 

Photo by Alex Green on

Before I end this I do want to take the time to Acknowledge Other’s Day. This is for all of those who have lost their mothers, those who are fighting to become a mother, those who have lost a child, those who are estranged from their mother, and many other stories like this. 

I want you all to know that your pain doesn’t go unnoticed during this time. Though this holiday may be the source of joy it can also be a source of pain and hurt. 

I encourage us all to reach out to someone in need at this time, though you can’t replace their hurt, hopefully you can help them to forget their hurt even if just for an hour.

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