Will You Be My Valentine?

Photo by Karolina Grabowska on Pexels.com

Valentine’s Day! A day that seems to have people feeling lovesick, loveless, or just plain sick of love depending on where you fall on the love spectrum. Personally, I can count on one hand how many times I have actually celebrated this day with an actual lover😘. Some might see this as sad, whiles others could careless 😏. I get it, it was never a day that I thought about. If it happened great and if it didn’t oh well. 

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Now, I can’t lie the times when I would see someone get a huge display of roses and a gigantic stuffed animal delivered to their job I would catch myself wishing that it was for me. I mean come on! Who doesn’t want to be showered with gifts, especially publicly! ( I know, I know this is coming for the same woman who stated in her last blog that she didn’t like to be the center of attention.) I guess this would be the exception to that rule!

Photo by Karolina Grabowska on Pexels.com

In my past, this day was something celebrated with my family (mom, dad, and sister). My mom especially would always get little gifts for my sister and I. Man! We always felt so loved and special. She would always leave the gifts on our beds and when we found them it was like Christmas day! 

Today, my husband could take it or leave it much like me. Don’t get me wrong we have occasionally celebrated but it isn’t something we go out of our way to do. This and other holidays are more about our kids these days.  I, personally, like to bring my childhood memories to my own kids, so I will do little things like my mom used to do. I love seeing their eyes light up when they come to tell me they found something on their beds. 

 I usually buy my kids some candy and a toy (OK! A cheap toy,  but they don’t care). This year I plan on doing the usual candy and toy but I am adding a new thoughtful touch I saw online a few weeks ago.  

Photo by Jess Bailey Designs on Pexels.com

The goal is to cut out 14 hearts of various colors and sizes (I plan on sticking with the Valentine’s Day colors). Everyday you are supposed to write one thing you love about your child on the heart and hang it up. Since my kids are smaller and just learning to read, I plan to explain why I love them and we will hang it together. This should have started Feb 1st  (if you are doing all 14 days). I plan on starting today since I am doing 7 days, I think this is a great way to show my kids they are loved. 💖 Let’s be honest they will care more about the candy and toy. The hearts are solely for my enjoyment! 😂💝

What are your Valentine’s Day plans? Does anyone else celebrate with their kids, if so how?

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